Dozens of State Republicans have banded together with the common goal of overturning a newly introduced ban on weapons of any kind, including firearms, at the State Fair of Texas. On Monday, around 70 state lawmakers signed a petition requesting the State Fair of Texas Board of Directors rescind the new policy, which they argue will make the event “less safe.” The letter, which described gun free zones as “magnets for crime,” included signatures from State Reps. Trent Ahsby, Keith Bell, Greg Bonnen, Brad Buckley, Bren Bumgarner, Dustin Burrows, and Briscoe Cain. It also cited statistics on mass shootings dating back to the 1990s.
“Recent tragedies have demonstrated the sad reality that you can die while waiting on law enforcement to save your life — Those who choose to assume responsibility for their own safety understand this harsh reality,” reads the letter. “The State Fair of Texas claims to be a ‘celebration of all things Texas,’ yet this new policy is anything but a celebration of Texas.”
Lawmakers also questioned the legality of the new rule, writing: “Your actions raise questions about the need for legislation next Session to further protect these rights (Second Amendment Rights) on lands managed by the public.”
Last week, the State Fair of Texas announced the new security rule, which allows exemptions for active and retired law enforcement officers with credentials verified by Dallas police. It comes nearly a year after a gunman opened fire at the event, injuring three people. Fair officials cited similar rules already in place at events like the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo, the San Antonio Stock Show, and Rodeo Austin, and argued that as a private entity not controlled or supported by the government, it can ban guns.
The change was met with mixed reactions. “Over the last few days, the State Fair of Texas has received both criticism and praise for changing its security and weapons policy,” Karissa Condoianis, a spokesperson for the fair, told Chron on Tuesday. “From Fair food to Midway rides as well as livestock and our security policy, we take seriously the comments from all Texans on all things associated with the State Fair. Texans rightly feel pride and a sense of ownership of their State Fair. We welcome the input.”
State Fair officials said they disagree with the claim that the decision to make the fair ‘gun free’ makes it less safe than before, noting a Dallas Police Department substation situated at Fair Park, more than 200 officers patrolling the fairgrounds, as well as millions spent each year on safety and security measures. “The State Fair has adopted a similar policy to that of most mass community gathering events like athletic competitions, concerts, and other fairs throughout the state and across the nation,” Condoianis told Chron. “We take the safety of the State Fair very seriously and will continue to do so.”
— in Republicans Want to Fight New Gun Ban at State Fair of Texas
exemptions for active and retired law enforcement officers
Active and retired law enforcement officers are called “civilians”. Favored status is a deprivation of rights.
“We take the safety of the State Fair very seriously and will continue to do so.”
The question is: Do you take full responsibility for anyone hurt or killed including all financial responsibility?
Same kind of crap going on in New Orleans and glad I do not live there.
Ok, lets dispel this ‘but we got lots of cops so that makes everyone safe’ BS. Its a falsehood. There are literally hundreds of examples, collectively, nation wide daily where even police officers within close proximity to a victim and hearing and seeing what was happening could still not react fast enough to prevent the victim from being injured.
‘we got lots of cops’ didn’t help out at Uvalde and all they had to do was open the door (which wasn’t actually locked). The ~ 200 law enforcement at the superbowl didn’t help those victims … and the list of cops being around but victims still happen goes on and on. Look, bad guys are not afraid of the cops any longer and those that want to do something will still do it no matter how many cops are around. At the shooting at the Texas State Fair previously, they had lots and lots of cops there too but not a one of them were able to stop the injured victims from being injured. And that’s the point, the cops are never there in that imminent moment to stop injury or death from happening, its just you and the bad guy in that moment and very few people have the skill or physical ability to actually overcome and stop an attack with just hand to hand combat.
It takes, on average, ~ 2 seconds for an attacker with a knife to fatally stab a victim AFTER the victim is aware of the incoming attack, a police officer arriving 3 seconds later is too late as the injury already happened – that’s a few precious seconds pre-stab a victim could have used to defend their self from the incoming attack if they had a firearm. ‘but we got lots of cops so that makes everyone safe’ BS – It is an excuse, a falsehood. A victim is not safe if they were already injured or the crime committed before the cops arrived and the cops didn’t save them, the only one that can save you in that imminent moment is you and if you are disarmed by some policy or bureaucratic BS no matter how many cops you have at the fair you can’t save yourself or family from serious injury or death.
correction for “The ~ 200 law enforcement at the superbowl didn’t help those victims”
It was ~ 800 and not ~200
This new GFZ makes it simple – don’t attend this event. They have made it unsafe with their GFZ.