‘Good parents model healthy interactions all the time. If their kids are struggling with a sense of inferiority or are having trouble dealing with failure, we teach them self-confidence and resilience. Parents who treat guns as a mechanism for feeling more significant and powerful are modeling an extremely dangerous way to interact with their environment.
What’s particularly hypocritical here is that the most strident defenders of (gun) culture skew conservative and talk a lot about what isn’t appropriate for children and teenagers. What they think is inappropriate often includes educating kids about sex, about the fact that some people are gay or transsexual and about racism. It’s a perverse state of affairs: Exposing children to simple facts is dangerous, but exposing them to machines designed to kill is not. You can’t get your driver’s license until you’re a teenager, or buy cigarettes and alcohol until you’re 21, but much earlier than that, kids can, with adult supervision, legally learn how to end someone’s life.
Parents can’t ensure that their child won’t ever feel inferior or disempowered, or even in some cases become delusional or filled with rage. Teenagers do things that their parents would never anticipate every day, even if they’re close and communicative. Some develop serious drug habits or become radicalized into extremism or take their own lives.
One thing parents can ensure is that their children cannot get access to a gun in their house. The only foolproof way to do that is to ensure that there’s no gun in the house to begin with. Barring that, parents can make sure they are not reinforcing a toxic gun culture that says that displaying and threatening to use lethal machines is a reasonable way to deal with anger or adversity. That message makes the idea of killing someone seem almost ordinary.
That doesn’t prevent school shooters; it primes them.
— Elizabeth Spiers in Ethan Crumbley’s Parents Were Just Part of a Much Bigger Problem
“Spiers: America’s Toxic Gun Culture ‘Primes’ School Shooters”
America’s Toxic Car Culture ‘Primes’ Intoxicated Drivers.
America’s Toxic Medical Culture ‘Primes’ Malpractice Doctors.
America’s Toxic Left Wing Culture ‘Primes’ Trans Killers.
America’s Toxic Left Wing Culture ‘Primes’ violent ANTIFA.
See how that works, just plug in anything you want to appeal to emotion and all facts go out the window.
School and other mass shooters don’t kill because there was a gun or a ‘gun culture’ of any type, they don’t kill because of some imaginary made up “Toxic Gun Culture” or they were ‘primed’ because of some imaginary made up “Toxic Gun Culture” – they kill because they are driven by mental illness. The creators of the ‘Bipartisan safer communities act’ have acknowledged this publicly acknowledging (paraphrased here) “We know all these killers are mentally ill, 100% of them” in relation to questions about school and other mass shooters, its been medically acknowledged and studies show it to be true, even these killers their selves acknowledge at some point before they kill they are being driven by mental illness impulses they do not control just like Ethan Crumbley was and he even told that he was in his efforts to get help with his notes.
Notice how Elizabeth Spiers just simply ignores what is actual fact in favor of the same old left wing anti-gun deception arguments.
Ethan said he was relieved when he was called into the office. He thought they would take his bag and that gun. He thought it was finally over (before the shooting). They didn’t take his bag because there were no real adults in the room. I’m talking about both his parents and the school system. They allowed this to happen. They ruined multiple lives, including the killer’s life. I know that one’s difficult, but it’s true. Ethan was even remorseful afterwards. He could have been helped. He was 15. The expert, in court, described Ethan as someone who “lost track of reality.”
Yep, the kid was mentally ill, he even wrote notes on his school work he turned in asking for help. He was at that point where his final bit of resistance he could muster against the mental illness drive to kill was being overrun by the mental illness.
The school and the parents failed him. Either one could have intervened, but the school didn’t and neither did the parents.
Oh and by the way, these are absolutely true:
America’s Toxic Medical Culture ‘Primes’ Malpractice Doctors.
America’s Toxic Left Wing Culture ‘Primes’ Trans Killers.
America’s Toxic Left Wing Culture ‘Primes’ violent ANTIFA.
How has civilization survived for thousands of years without teaching children about alternative secks stuff and gender ideology? Crazy, right? It’s funny how they admit that we have to limit access to certain things for the younglings while simultaneously begging to expose them to destructive gender ideology and seckually indoctrinating them, AKA grooming.
…reinforcing a toxic gun culture that says that displaying and threatening to use lethal machines is a reasonable way to deal with anger or adversity.
The author is saying the same people who are super protective of their children are also teaching their children that gunz are a “reasonable way to deal with anger or adversity?” This is laughably bad. I know they’re preaching to the choir at NYT, but are
Democrat voterstheir readers really that dumb? Using Ethan Crumbley’s parents as examples is even worse. It is a documented fact that they were all-around horrible parents. A psychologist said Ethan was a “feral child” because he was always left to himself. He was never taught how to deal with anything. You don’t even necessarily have to specifically teach your children about that. You merely have to be a decent role model. Young minds are watching you, and taking everything in. Ethan took in his parents constantly fighting, and openly discussing things like infidelity and suicide.“But gunzzz bad! Tranie story time good! We have to groom the kids to save the country! Kids should be passing around secks toys in class! Parents have no right to stop us!” -typical
Democrat voterNYT readerNow do “urban” shooters.
A common denominator we aren’t supposed to notice: Broken families. Poor role-models. Children left to their own devices.
“But the gunzzzz!!!” *screams at sky*
“What’s particularly hypocritical here is that the most strident defenders of (gun) culture skew conservative and talk a lot about what isn’t appropriate for children and teenagers. What they think is inappropriate often includes educating kids about sex, about the fact that some people are gay or transsexual and about racism. It’s a perverse state of affairs: Exposing children to simple facts is dangerous, but exposing them to machines designed to kill is not. You can’t get your driver’s license until you’re a teenager, or buy cigarettes and alcohol until you’re 21, but much earlier than that, kids can, with adult supervision, legally learn how to end someone’s life.”
If there were actual BS companies, Elizabeth Spiers would be the CEO.
See how she adopts a ‘we know better for your kids than you do’ attitude. The prime weapon of America’s Toxic Left Wing Culture to indoctrinate kids.
Yeah, we kinda think its not appropriate to be “educating kids about sex” when that education is pornographic and pedophile material, about engaging in harmful sex practices, involves telling children its ok if that adult man touches them or has sex with them because they identify as a ”Minor-Attracted Person’, about brain washing children into believing they are something they are not.
Yeah, we kinda think its not appropriate to be “educating kids … about the fact that some people are gay or transsexual and about racism” when its ‘America’s Toxic Left Wing Culture’ of indoctrination into DEI.
Diversity-Equity-Inclusion’ (AKA DEI) is just another name for a ‘Marxists socialism’ concept, or in other words a ‘communism’ concept.
First, lets begin with ‘Equity’: Equity is the goal of all DEI programs, which is to say that DEI programs exist to force captive audiences of people to achieve “equitable” redistribution of resources, status, and wealth according to neo-Marxist Identity Theories like Critical Race Theory.
Next, ‘Diversity’: Diversity initiatives are rooted in the goal of installing (placing, enacting) ideologically consistent political officers (or people) within organizations to effect and enforce policies directed toward achieving equity. These political officers, often called “Diversity Officers,” (but may be known included under other titles such as ‘human resources’) are in fact a rebranding of the older concept of commissars (e.g. ‘political officers’ in Russian communism speak), who enforced socialism in the same way.
Finally, ‘Inclusion’: Inclusion is an overarching value structure for the “Diverse and Equitable” commissar system that’s being installed. In fact, it’s a justification not for inclusion as most people understand it, but for censorship and purges, just like in any Communist state. Inclusion, and its extension in “Belonging,” are a manipulative strategy akin to Mao Zedong’s “unity, criticism, unity” formula for taking over not just institutions but the value structure of populations and bending them toward socialism (or, in this case, equity).
Ya know, if the parents go along with ‘America’s Toxic Left Wing Culture’ to educate kids in those things they are called ‘good parents’ but if they object to it they are called ‘right wing extremist’ and suddenly part of the imaginary “America’s Toxic Gun Culture” if they happen to own guns and are supervising our kids on how to kill.
Yeah, you’re darn right we object to our kids being indoctrinated into victimization and harm. So excuse us for wanting to protect our kids from you and others like you, its what good parents and good communities do – protect the kids from you and others like you in America’s Toxic Left Wing Culture.
clarification correction for : “and are supervising our kids on how to kill.”
should have been…
…and are suddenly supposedly supervising our kids on how to kill. …
To view one aspect of toxic left wing culture in America, chart race relations from 2008 onward. We’re moving backwards precisely because the Left is teaching race hatred.
That the thing about the left wing ‘Marxists socialism’ – it can’t survive to be implemented unless they can keep divisions in a society going by polarizing and creating ‘oppressed victims’ and some boogy man threat to them. So yes, they are teaching race hatred.
Socialist measures are so great but they’re always put in place by a group of people who are effectively trying to “stick it” to another group of people almost like socialism is some weapon designed to levy misery.
“Parents can’t ensure that their child won’t ever feel inferior or disempowered, or even in some cases become delusional or filled with rage. Teenagers do things that their parents would never anticipate every day, even if they’re close and communicative. Some develop serious drug habits or become radicalized into extremism or take their own lives.”
Ya mean like the alarming (collective) 80% rate of America’s Toxic Left Wing Culture kids “serious drug habits or become radicalized into extremism or take their own lives.”
yeah, your advice has worked out so well for them.
“educating kids about sex”
pornographic and pedophile material and grooming, about engaging in harmful and violent sex practices, involves telling children its ok if that adult man touches them or has sex with them because they identify as a ”Minor-Attracted Person’ so aren’t a threat, about brain washing children into believing they are something they are not, and so much more…is not “educating kids about sex”, its indoctrination. And already there have been school boards and teachers and principals that under the guise of “educating kids about sex” are doing this stuff and have been caught doing it and sexting with kids and molesting kids and exposing their selves to kids in the class room, they called it “educating kids about sex” and that’s what you are really trying to hide here with this deceptive “educating kids about sex” line to call us hypocrites because we object to having our kids harmed and victimized.
The Crumbly’s were wrong for not getting their kid help while also supplying him a gun, but so was the school in not getting the kid help because he was literally writing it down for them pleading for help. But there was no “Toxic Gun Culture” or ‘gun’ or ‘access to a gun’ that drove him to kill or ‘primed’ him to kill – it was mental illness. America’s Toxic Left Wing Culture is the real bigger problem here, and the mental illness they and you exhibit in trying to and supporting harming and victimizing kids. And already there are literally collectively thousands of social media posts and videos supporting or calling for the whole sale murder of people who do not comply with the twisted and sick views of America’s Toxic Left Wing Culture, and in some cases they have even enacted it and there are groups of them that have formed and on their web sites they specifically say their concepts of supporting the use of violence to force their agenda on the public.
You want to live your life as some other ‘gender identity’ or gay or what ever, that’s ok, its you life. But we are not your emotional support animals, have no obligation to affirm your own self-adopted ‘gender identity’, or agree with you. But one thing you can not do, and it seems you think you have a right to do, is have our kids be your emotional support animals and victims.
So yeah, we teach our kids about the constitution and their constitutional rights, and when they are old enough, we teach them to defend them selves because we know that one day they may need to do so when the mental illness violence of America’s Toxic Left Wing Culture and the violent criminals they embolden and facilitate setting them loose on society, comes to them.
So Elizabeth Spiers, you can take your article BS and false and shove it. The only hypocrite here is you.
And in case anyone is confused here is a sample upon what the Toxic Left Wing Culture wants to educate kids about sex…
If you don’t think they don’t want to come for the kids you are a fool.
that person clearly used the word pedophile not “map” or whatever said mr booger. you are making straw man arguments again. what is a biggger risk of exposing your kids to pedophiles these folks or the folks at the catholic church, baptist church, mormon church, and boy scouts? sorry to trigger you but those are the facts.
Are you a complete idiot? Clearly the female person was advocating for normalizing pedophilia and even says so.
Maybe you should go someplace else Miner49er, and learn what context means.
Sorry to trigger you, I understand how sensitive you pedophiles are to being exposed.
And…Minor Attracted Person is what the liberal groomers in schools are calling it.
Learn what context means, do some actual research and not this confirmation bias stuff you are doing.
who ever said this? i can’t find any evidence of it.
“involves telling children its ok if that adult man touches them or has sex with them because they identify as a ”Minor-Attracted Person’, about brain washing children into believing they are something they are not.”
You can’t find any evidence of it because you haven’t looked.
There are hundreds of parents across the nation going to school board meetings and exposing the videos and written statements of the liberal teachers grooming the kids and telling them these things.