While this is an extreme example, these pictures show why you should never store anything in your oven.
Last night, our firefighters responded to a call for a fire at a home in Chesterfield. The homeowner reported the oven had exploded. When firefighters opened the oven to investigate, they found a handgun inside. It turns out, someone turned the oven on with the gun inside, the weapon heated up, and five rounds went off. Thankfully, no one was hurt, but the situation could have turned out much differently.
When you place any item in the oven it is easy to forget it is there, which can lead to a fire or something worse when you turn it on. You should also make sure to properly store your firearms. Keep them somewhere secure, like a gun safe.
Forget background checks. Firearm purchases should require IQ test.
I look at it this way, burglars don’t usually check ovens when robbing a place, so that’s a good place to keep a valuable gat…
Willing to bet a LEO was responsible. This scenario happens to them often. Bad idea relayed in formal training? Bad idea discussed over drinks in a bar? Bad idea passed on in the locker room? The world may never know.
I don’t know…I guess 5 rounds coulda cooked off. But the gun pictured doesn’t look damaged at all. Wouldn’t those rounds have blown up the grip? Looks like the oven rack melted thru to the mag.
Modern firearm designs handle the issue of a case head failure by directing the pressure through the mag tube causing the mag floorplate to fail, releasing that pressure and in that process, eject remaining the rounds out, leaving the mag tube retained in the grip, using it to structurally protect the paw of the shooter. However in the oven, the heat softened plastic floor plate and spring pressure probably popped the floor plate off and the rounds burst out to the floor of the oven and cooked off there.
Needing recommendations for a good oven gun. Im sitting good on my shower gun, toilet gun, and BBQ gun.