Kelly Ann Pidgeon is the owner of Armed and Feminin and the Northeast Regional Director for Women for Gun Rights among other things.
1. We want to know more about you. Please give us a glimpse into your journey with firearms.
I took a hunter’s safety course at 12 years old, but didn’t start officially shooting until I was 46. Encouraged by my local sheriff, I started learning to shoot handguns with friends and just enjoyed it so much that I decided to become an instructor two years later. I felt that my background in leadership roles could help other women become confident in self-protection. At this point, I’ve already taught over 3,000 folks how to safely handle and shoot firearms.
2. What two pieces of advice would you give someone interested in learning how to shoot or purchase their first firearm?
Seek professional instruction from the get-go! Friends are great, but professionals will teach you correctly from the beginning, thus having no bad habits to break. When purchasing, try as many firearms as you can before buying. Make sure the gun fits properly and that you can confidently and accurately shoot it.
3. What is your favorite piece of firearm-related equipment that you own? Why do you like it?
A Holosun green dot optic. It is so much easier for the aging eye and cuts down time acquiring a sight picture.
4. What was something someone told you (or that you read) that significantly influenced your life?
“If you don’t stand up for your rights, no one else will.” With that, I poured myself into Second Amendment advocacy at various levels. People take their rights for granted, but as the allowance for incrementalism creeps in, soon enough, all could be lost.
5. What do you wish you knew about getting involved with firearms right from the beginning of your journey?
That I was going to want EVERYTHING … all the firearms, accessories, and experiences. Additionally, had I known that the firearms community consisted of some of the most solid humans to grace the earth, I would have started this journey sooner. Everyone is helpful, giving, kind and friendly. They make newbies feel at home. Friendships in this circle are priceless and lifelong.