This morning Brady’s Director of Racial Justice and Senior Counsel Kelly Sampson testified before a House subcommittee on the importance of the ATF and proper funding for oversight over the gun industry, enforcing gun laws, and preventing firearm trafficking.
— Brady | United Against Gun Violence (@bradybuzz) May 22, 2024
According to the last available data, nearly 70% of crime guns were traced back to just over 1% of licensed dealers. Even though the portion of the gun industry most responsible for supplying crime guns is minuscule, ATF nonetheless struggles to meet its mandate.
ATF only has the resources to inspect about 8% of active FFLs annually, falling far short of its own internal goal of inspecting each FFL every three years. To reach that goal, ATF would need to more than double its current compliance staff. In fact, over 2000 active gun dealers have gone more than a decade without inspection.
— Brady Director of Racial Justice and Senior Counsel Kelly Sampson
“According to the last available data, nearly 70% of crime guns were traced back to just over 1% of licensed dealers.”
They sure use that in a deceptive manner.
~98% of this is like this: A gun gets stolen, used in a crime, law enforcement gets the gun and traces it and eventually they find out the FFL (the licensed dealer) from which it was legally purchased by the legal person from which it was stolen.
“just over 1% of licensed dealers” are not selling/providing guns illegally or to straw-purchase buyers as Brady implies with their deceptively used statements.
Brady’s Director of Racial Justice. At this point, you just have to point and laugh at these clowns and anyone that remotely supports them. These people are lost.
How many lives have been saved by having the ATF audit FFLs and illegally copy their records? Oh yeah, it’s not about saving lives. It’s about more power for the state.
Sounds like they have 8 times the resources needed to look into problem dealers. Yes obviously lot of other considerations but if we are using their gross simplifications …..