Ninth Circuit Panel Rules Nonviolent Felons Don’t Lose Their Gun Rights

Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals courthouse

A Ninth Circuit panel Thursday ruled that a blanket prohibition on convicted felons possessing firearms violates their Second Amendment rights, at least when it comes to nonviolent offenders who served out their sentence. In a split decision, the three-judge panel threw out firearm possession conviction of a Los Angeles member of a street gang who had […]

Steiner: America’s Protection of Gun Rights is Modern Idolatry

gun control protest sign

[P]olitical forces use the falsehood of the gun culture to stay in power. They are aided by gun manufacturers, lobbyists, and the culture warriors who abide in the gun mythos. These are formidable forces. …Christian Nationalism, with its strong support for the Second Amendment, originates in white supremacy. Its supporters’ identification of Christianity with the […]

The Reckoning: A Lot of Apologies are Owed by a Lot of NRA Diehards

New York Supreme Court Courthouse Manhattan

  One reason more people aren’t outraged at the costs of many things — from supercars to government entitlement programs — is our inability to grasp the enormity of the numbers that are routinely tossed around. A million dollar supercar and a billion dollar government program may elicit the same response simply because we’re not […]

A Mississippi DGU Proves (Again) the AR-15 is the Right Tool for Armed Self-Defense

range train AR-15 assault rifle weapon

The Civilian Disarmament Industrial Complex loves to denigrate semi-auto rifles as useless for personal defense. They shriek that no one needs that kind of firepower or capacity. A recent defensive gun use in Mississippi, though, drives a stake through the heart of that argument. Let’s talk about what happened and then get to what this […]