Gun Owners Travel Advisory: Avoid the Turks and Caicos Islands

cartridge in suitcase

From the Second Amendment Foundation . . . To all U.S. gun owners: Do Not Travel to the Turks and Caicos Islands, a British Overseas Territory located southeast of the Bahamas, and if you have already made plans, reconsider your destination. SUMMARY: Since November 2022, at least eight American tourists have faced “firearms prosecutions” for […]

California’s 1 Gun a Month Limit Law Struck Down as Unconstitutional

gun store handgun counter pistol

And another one goes down. A U.S. District judge has struck down California’s one-gun-a-month purchase limit law on summary judgement. The Golden State’s gun control law was such a clear and obvious violation of the plaintiffs’ Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms that Judge William Hayes didn’t bother with taking the matter to […]

Judge Blocks Cortland New York Ban on Guns in Public Housing

It will probably come as quite a shock to New York officials like Governor Kathy Hochul to learn that people who live in public housing have all the same civil rights that are guaranteed them by the Constitution as people who live in privately-owned homes and apartments. The Second Amendment Foundation sued the Cortland, New […]

SAF Sues the .Gov Over Medical Marijuana Gun Ban

  So many long-standing gun control laws are threatened as a result of the Supreme Court’s Bruen ruling that it’s hart to keep track without a score card. One of the most endangered of the species is likely the federal ban on purchasing or owning firearms by marijuana users. The Second Amendment Foundation has taken […]