Marketing Gun Control: DOJ Creates Dangerous Red Flag Confiscation One-Stop-Shop

DOJ Department of Justice

The Department of Justice (DOJ) is embarking on a dangerous journey to distribute the destruction of rights by creating a “one-stop-shop” for states to deny due process rights to citizens. The DOJ created the National Extreme Risk Protection Order (ERPO) Resource Center to provide “training and technical assistance” to law enforcement, judges, lawyers, clinicians, victim service […]

Justice Department Creates Red Flag Confiscation Law Resource Center

gun confiscation

Red flag confiscation laws, sometimes known by their more genteel moniker, extreme risk protection orders, are due process-free ways for a gun owners’ firearms to be confiscated until he or she hires and attorney and proves that the target isn’t a threat to themself of others. Before the passage of ERPO laws, there were already […]