War on Guns: Biden Commerce Dept. Will Make Small Arms Export Pause Permanent

Gina Raimondo, US Secretary of Commerce

This morning, a briefing will be held by the Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) for “the Hill” regarding their interim rule regarding the “pause” on the issuance of new government licenses for firearms, related components and  ammunition for “nongovernmental end users.”  The Outdoor Wire has learned the Commerce Department plans to […]

Biden’s Small Arms Export ‘Pause’ is a Big Fat Nothingburger

A new publication by the Commerce Department’s Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) shows that the stated reason for the 90-day firearm export “pause” – which is well past 160 days – is a nothingburger. It’s a sandwich with no meat but layers of government cheese. And lots of it. Commerce Department’s BIS published a […]

Biden Export ‘Pause’ Effect: Ally in Need Looks Elsewhere for Small Arms

Joe Biden

The Biden administration continues to bludgeon the highly-regulated and constitutionally-protected firearm industry through any means available. The president kicked off his campaign for the presidency in 2019 by calling lawful firearm manufacturers “the enemy” and he’s still carrying out his plans to decimate the firearm industry no matter what…even if it means ignoring Congress and […]

Anti-Gun Senators Demand Extension of Biden Administration Firearm Export Pause

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If you want to know what gun control proponents would do given unchecked authority, just watch how the Biden White House abuses its executive powers to harass and persecute the firearms industry, which Biden himself has referred to as “the enemy.” Biden’s latest moves show him leveraging his foreign affairs apparatus to crack down on American […]