I Need a New Range Bag . . .

I need a new range bag. I had a range bag, a couple in fact, but a few years ago during a ‘great decluttering’ prior to a move, I got rid of a lot of stuff. This included gun cleaning supplies, ammo (like an idiot) and range bags (such an idiot). Now I find myself […]

Are You a Fan of Fiber Optic Sights?

fiber optic sights

That is the question. And the answer is, most definitely, yes. I became a fan of fiber optic front sights as they made their way onto sporting clays shotguns, and later when I learned about the world of practical shooting. They seemed like the front sight option that all the cool kids went with, and […]

Crafting the Message: Getting the Industry On the Same Page

dove hunting

For years, probably decades, the broader pro-gun, pro-Second Amendment community has been accused of preaching to the choir. And that’s been pretty much true. Almost entirely true. We spend most of our efforts talking to each other as if voicing opinions out loud to a like-minded individual is making a real difference. It isn’t, but for […]

Fathers Day Edition: 5 Things You Didn’t Know You Needed

Roaming the aisles of the NRA Show in Dallas, it became clear that it was about time for the next installment of ‘5 Things You Didn’t Know You Needed.’ The floor of the 2024 NRA Annual Meetings and Exhibits held a few gems, and I am sure I missed more than I found, but here […]

No One Really Knows What to Expect at NRA Dallas

This year’s NRA Show – the NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits, as it’s properly known – comes against the backdrop of major changes at the top of America’s leading Second Amendment advocacy organization. At our sister site, The Outdoor Wire, Jim Shepherd has covered this issue extensively from before to the legal proceedings all the […]

Gunsmithing: It’s Hammer Time

When it comes to tools, serious gunsmiths — the ones that actually make their living working on guns — spend more on their tools than the GDP of some smaller nations. The itty bitty ones that nobody can name or find on a map. But most gun owners don’t need to take on that kind […]

When You Really Want to Murder a Murder of Crows

black crow bird

Crow hunting is a blast. Not that I would know first-hand because I have never been. But I’ve heard it is a helluva time. Several years ago when I was working at a Gander Mountain store in Utica, Michigan, one of the managers told a story about hunting crows that has stuck with me ever […]

Firearm Trainers: Those Who Can Need to be Able to Show They Can

The old joke — or perhaps it’s just a disappointing societal truth we do our best to ignore — is that those who can…actually do a thing, while those who can’t…turn to teaching the thing. If you’re wondering what the difference is between these two people, look no further than that cinematic tour de force, Back […]

Hands On With the Latest Gear From Viridian

Viridian came to town last week. They were in Phoenix for the Sports Inc. show and while here, they extended their stay through the weekend to allow for a casual media range day, drawing about 20+ attendees. When the invite came through my email I RSVP’d right away, not just because a day on the […]

My Resolution for the New Year . . .

That’s my New Year’s resolution, to read the owner’s manual. While that flies in the face of decades, centuries, nay millennia of men completely ignoring owner’s manuals and simply winging it, recently I have learned an important lesson about ignoring them. It can come at the cost of looking stupid. And looking stupid is exactly […]