SHOT Show 2025: Not My Bag, Baby
For the trip out to SHOT Show I opted for the grownup approach of actually checking a bag. I usually […]
For the trip out to SHOT Show I opted for the grownup approach of actually checking a bag. I usually […]
The popularity of the two SIG pistol models, and their staggering sales numbers, were sure to have other gunmakers looking to bring their own modular pistols to market. And that’s exactly what happened.
Mossberg’s new 590R (standard tube fed style) and 590RM (the Mossberg magazine fed version) are consumer shotguns that feature several key upgrades that are a departure from what you find on traditional Mossberg shotguns.
The mandatory training of Polish school children in firearms use isn’t about a Second Amendment-style right in Poland. It’s literally based on the country’s historic battles for independence, freedom, and self preservation.
The shooting community is a living, breathing grassroots machine and the NRA needs to nurture it with strong, passionate leadership – and the appropriate funding – of a robust Competitions Division.
Most competitive organizations have no plan whatsoever to generate news stories in local media, opting almost always to take the sour grapes position that “the mainstream media never covers the shooting sports.”
The problem: after seven years of living in the moderate ‘hell on earth’ climate of the Phoenix Valley, I have little to no gear suitable for hunting birds in Iowa in November. Make that no gear.
In 18 months those who haven’t been to Gunsite in a number of years will definitely appreciate the new features. And 2026 will be a good time to take a class as it will be Gunsite’s 50th year of providing the best in firearms training.
Today is the start of the final quarter of 2024 and in business terms that means the firearms industry in
Our friends at Meta, owners of Facebook and Instagram, have kindly invited us to leave their party. The reason? The so-called ‘community guidelines.’