VA to Congress: We Don’t Recognize Your Stinkin’ Laws

VA US Department of Veterans Affairs

In what can only be described as a shocking display of insubordination and defiance of what could potentially become law, an official from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs told Congress that they will not comply with the law to protect the Second Amendment rights of veterans, should a measure be passed by Congress and […]

Biden Threatens to Wage War on Law-Abiding Gun Owners…Again

Joe Biden angry gun sense university

Just hours after Hunter Biden was convicted on three counts of falsifying the background check form when he purchased a handgun, President Joe Biden, his father, delivered a speech demanding more gun control. President Biden spoke to Everytown for Gun Safety’s “Gun Sense University” in Washington, D.C., in a “rinse, lather, repeat,” performance of nearly every other […]

The Gun Industry Never Forgets the Cost of Freedom

memorial day cemetery flags

I once walked among giants. It was a brief time – that feels even more brief as the years pass since I wore the uniform of a U.S. Marine. It was just 25 years, and for some, that might seem as if two-and-a-half decades was a lifetime. Looking back, especially on Memorial Day when we […]

Reagan Had the Answer to Incessant Calls for More Gun Control Laws

Biden angry point old confused

President Joe Biden said it again. Given another term, he’ll do gun control. This time, he’s grotesquely dismissive of the high price of freedom that has been paid with the lives of those who fought and died to preserve American independence. Thomas Jefferson, the author of the Bill of Rights, famously wrote “The tree of liberty must […]

Mexico’s President Tries to Shake Down America’s Gun Makers

Mexico's President Lopez Obrador News Conference

Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador thinks he can do no wrong. After all, U.S. federal courts are turning over sovereignty to the Mexican head of state at the same time he’s issuing ultimatums to the United States and thumbing his nose to Texas. U.S. District Judge Rosemary Marquez, of the U.S. District Court for […]

Treasury Secretary Dodges Questions on Feds Spying on Americans’ Financial Activity

U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen couldn’t – or wouldn’t – tell Congress whether or not her department ordered financial institutions to spy on the transactions of private and law-abiding citizens. The Treasury Department is suspected of telling large financial institutions to hand over transaction information of any potential purchases of firearms, ammunition or purchases at sporting goods […]