Anti-Gunners Re-Purpose the Same Old Hysterics Over Teacher Carry Legislation

Salt Lake Tribune teacher guns in schools cartoon

Question for legal experts: When armed teachers are *employees* of a school system who are granted permission to have guns inside their workplace by their employer, are their actions covered by the same laws as armed civilians in public spaces? Is the school/employer legally… — K-12 School Shooting Database (@K12ssdb) April 24, 2024 Yesterday, […]

Bruen Marches On: PA Adults Under 21 Can Now Apply For Carry Permits

concealed carry

From SAF: The U.S. District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania has handed a significant victory to the Second Amendment Foundation and young adults in the 18-20-year age group, allowing them to apply for concealed carry licenses in the state, while enjoining the state from arresting any law-abiding citizens in that age group for […]

Rule 5: Lock it Up

I come from an era when people left their houses unlocked, as they did their cars, often leaving the keys in the ashtray or under the floor mat. Dad did that and I asked what prevented someone from taking his car. “Why would they do that?” was his response. Because people steal things…routinely and historically. […]

White House Misses the Target In Approach to Mass Shootings

The White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention is hosting the first in-person meeting of federal agencies to figure out what to do after a tragic mass murder and criminal misuse of firearms. The focus will be on what resources can be brought to bear after a shocking crime has been committed that once again rocks the […]

Goetz: The public has to carry guns in New York

Bernhard Goetz

Garrett Graff: A couple of days before Christmas in New York City in 1984, 37-year-old Bernhard Goetz was going to meet friends for a drink. He got on the subway and entered a sparsely crowded car on the number two train. After a while, Goetz noticed a group of teenagers looking in his direction. There […]