CCRKBA: Stop Blaming Gun Owners and Retailers for the Crime Problem in Maryland

Maryland Gov. Wes Moore

The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said Maryland gun owners have every right to oppose new gun control legislation. Senate Bill 488, being pushed as the new solution to violent crime, because all it does is penalize the wrong people. “The claims by proponents of the Gun Industry Accountability Act, […]

Second Class Status for Gun Rights in California on Hold, For Now

“You clearly want more innocent children to die if you don’t pass more gun control laws.” You can try and dress it up, but that’s the gist of the marketing pitch for gun-control. Of course, you have to ignore the millions of violent crimes prevented and lives saved in defensive gun uses each year for […]

SHOT Show 2024: The Lionheart Vulcan 9 Pistol is Finally Almost Here

I like everything about the Lionheart Vulcan…except for the fact that I’ve never shot one. I’ve kept an eye on the Vulcan’s development since it was announced at SHOT 2023. The good news: it’s almost here. For real. Lionheart will be shipping the first Vulcan 9 pistols in mid-February. If you’re unfamiliar with the Vulcan, […]

Yesterday Was a Busy Day Around the Gun World

Wednesday was an auspicious day. It was, at the very least, a new beginning of sorts for two of the outdoors’ most influential organizations. Yesterday marked the closing of what has likely been the most contentious time in the history of the National Rifle Association; the tenure of Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre. It also […]